ADDED ON JULY 12, 2024: Fish and Wildlife has issued a funding opportunity to decrease fish mortality associated with the withdrawal of water for irrigation and other purposes without impairing the continued withdrawal of water for those purposes; and to decrease the incidence of juvenile and adult fish entering water supply systems. $5,000,000 is being made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $1,000,000. Proposals are due on April 30, 2025. To download the official synopsis, click here. To download the entire funding opportunity, click here.

ADDED ON MAY 29, 2024: The Bureau of Indian Affairs has issued a funding opportunity to secure training to implement traffic safety programs and projects which are designated to reduce the number of traffic crashes, deaths, injuries, and property damage within these populations. Awards of up to $10,000 to attend conferences and training opportunities are available by filling out the application which may be downloaded here. Applications must be submitted by August 30, 2024.