The Indian Health Service has issued a funding opportunity for its annual Tribal Self-Governance planning grants. Proposals are due on February 19 2025. The IHS expects to make $540,000 available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $180,000. To download the funding synopsis, click here. To download the entire funding opportunity, click here.

The Indian Health Service has issued a funding opportunity to provide Tribes with resources to help defray the costs associated with preparing for and engaging in Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP) negotiations. $252,000 is being made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $84,000. The due date for this proposal is February 19, 2025. To download the official synopsis, click here. To download the entire funding opportunity, click here.

The Indian Health Service has issued a funding forecast to enhance and develop health management infrastructure and assist Tribes and Tribal Organizations (T/TO) in assuming all or part of existing IHS programs, functions, services, and activities (PFSA) through a title I Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) contract and assist established title I ISDEAA contractors and title V ISDEAA compactors to further develop and improve management capability. Nearly $2.5 million is being made available to support this program with maximum awards of $150,000. The IHS expects to release this funding forecast on January 15, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.

The Indian Health Service has issued a funding forecast to support the assessment and planning of Tribes and Tribal Organizations (T/TO) in determining the feasibility of implementing a Community Health Aide Program in their respective communities. The program is designed to support the regional flexibility required for T/TO to design a program unique to the needs of their individual communities across the country through the identification of feasibility factors. $1.5 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $500,000. IHS expects to release this funding opportunity on May 1, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.

The Indian Health Service has issued a funding forecast for a Community Health Aide Planning and Implementation grant. Up to $3,000,000 will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $750,000. The IHS anticipates releasing this funding opportunity on May 1, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.

The Indian Health Service has issued a funding forecast to support communities to directly increase the diagnoses, treatment, and prevention of HIV, HCV, and syphilis. $14 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $2 million. The anticipated post date for this funding opportunity is May 19, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.