ADDED ON December 19, 2024: ACF has issued a funding opportunity to support Tribes and Tribal organizations in the development, implementation, sustaining, or expansion of an evidence-based home visiting program serving expectant families and families with young children aged birth to kindergarten. $3 million is being made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $1,000,000. Proposals are due on March 17, 2025. To download the official synopsis, click here. To download the entire funding opportunity, click here.
ADDED ON NOVEMBER 20, 2024: ACF has issued a funding opportunity to expand access to high-quality, comprehensive early learning services for newly-enrolled, income-eligible American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) pregnant women, and children from birth to compulsory school age through Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships, or through the expansion of Early Head Start services. Just over $9,000,000 is being made available under this funding opportunity. Proposals are due on January 21, 2025. To download the official synopsis, click here. To download the entire funding opportunity, click here.
ADDED ON NOVEMBER 20, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to provide funding to organizations that can deliver high-quality and child-centered care, ensuring the safety and well-being of the children. Services must be available 24/7 with the ability to accept children at any time (as long as it aligns with state licensing requirements and is safe to do so). $1.5 BILLION will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $15,000,000. The anticipated post date for this funding opportunity is February 3, 2025. To download the funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON AUGUST 20, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to expand access to high-quality, comprehensive early learning services for newly-enrolled, income-eligible American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) pregnant women, and children from birth to compulsory school age through Early Head Start-Child Care (EHS-CC) Partnerships, or through the expansion of Early Head Start services. ACF anticipates posting this opportunity on December 20, 2024. ACF expects to make more than $9 million available under this funding opportunity. To download the funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON AUGUST 14, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to identify and implement strategies and services for youth between ages 12 and 26 in order to prevent homelessness, including strategies designed to serve youth and young adult populations with a high likelihood of imminently experiencing homelessness, housing instability, or other forms of victimization such as human trafficking to include individuals transitioning out of foster care, the juvenile justice system, or a residential behavioral health system. Nearly $2.5 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $350,000. The anticipated post date for this funding opportunity is February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON AUGUST 8, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to implement sexual risk avoidance education that teaches youth how to voluntarily refrain from sexual activity. Projects must: 1) Use medically accurate information referencing peer-reviewed publications by educational, scientific, governmental, or health organizations. 2) Implement an evidence-based approach integrating research findings with practical strategies that align with the needs and desired outcomes for the intended audience. 3) Teach the benefits associated with personal responsibility, self-regulation, goal setting, healthy decision-making, and a focus on the future. 4) Discourage sexual coercion, dating violence, and other youth risk behaviors such as underage drinking or illicit drug use. 5) Be culturally appropriate, recognizing the experiences of youth from diverse communities, backgrounds, and experiences. 6) Normalize avoiding non-marital sexual activity. 7) Be age-appropriate. Approximately $15,000,000 will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $450,000. The anticipated post date for this funding opportunity is February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 31, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to provide one-time awards to eligible applicants for developing plans to implement the Tribal title IV-E foster care, adoption assistance, and guardianship assistance programs. $1.5 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $300,000. The estimated post date for this funding opportunity is January 31, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 30, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to support developing, implementing, sustaining, or expanding an evidence-based home visiting program serving expectant families and families with young children aged birth to kindergarten. $3 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $1,000,000. The expected post date for this funding opportunity is December 18, 2024. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 30, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to support “activities to promote responsible fatherhood” under each of the three broad categories of promoting or sustaining marriage, responsible parenting, and economic stability activities authorized under Section 403(a)(2) of the Social Security Act. This funding will be targeted exclusively to projects designed for adult fathers, defined as fathers that are age 18 and older. Eligible fathers (or father figures) must have children who are age 24 or younger. Fathers will include those in the general population (or “community fathers”), as well as fathers who are currently incarcerated and are returning, or have returned, to their families and communities following incarceration. Nearly $58 million will be made available under this funding forecast with maximum awards of $1.25 million. The anticipated post date for this funding opportunity is February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 30, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to implement programs that include a broad array of service provision strategies. These include curriculum-based skills development and services designed to support family strengthening activities through one or more of seven activities specified under the authorizing legislation: marriage and relationship education/skills (MRES); pre-marital education; marriage enhancement; divorce reduction activities; marriage mentoring; public advertising campaigns; and activities to reduce the disincentives to marriage. ACF is interested in funding a diverse range of projects, from high impact projects, to moderate scope projects, to smaller scope projects, as well as smaller new/initial projects. More than $34 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $1.25 million. ACF anticipates releasing this funding opportunity on February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 30, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to support projects designed to provide healthy marriage and relationship education skills, parenting (for young fathers and mothers as applicable), financial management, job and career advancement, and other activities, to youth that are high-school aged (grades 9-12) or in late adolescence and early adulthood (ages 14 to 24), including parenting and/or pregnant youth. $23 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $1.5 million. The anticipated post date for this funding opportunity is February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 30, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to support jurisdictions with improving community response to incidents of DV where a child is present in the household. $1.5 million will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $250,000. ACF anticipates releasing this funding opportunity on February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 24, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to provide safe, stable, and appropriate shelter for pregnant and/or parenting youth ages 16 to under 22 and their dependent child(ren) for 18 months and, and up to 21 months under extenuating circumstances. Approximately $8,000,000 will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $250,000. The expected post date for this funding opportunity is February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 24, 2024: ACF has issued a funding forecast to provide street-based services to runaway, homeless, and street youth who have been subjected to or are at risk of being subjected to sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, and severe forms of human trafficking in persons. Approximately $8,000,000 will be made available under this funding opportunity with maximum awards of $150,000. The expected post date for this funding opportunity is February 28, 2025. To download this funding forecast, click here.
ADDED ON JULY 23, 2024: ACF has issued a funding opportunity to provide shelter and comprehensive supportive services to youth ages 16 through 21 for up to 18 months or, under extenuating circumstances, 21 months. The expected NOFO post date is February 25, 2025. More than $19 million will be made available under this opportunity with maximum awards of $250,000. To download the funding forecast, click here.